What's on TV?
The answer is often...'nothing'. Every week we buy a TV guide. Every week I religiously go through it highlighting anything any of the three of us might like. For the last few weeks all I have highlighted is Noddy (Channel 5 every morning) and CSI Miami (Channel 5 Tuesday evenings). That has been it. We don't even watch Noddy - we tape it so Ellie can watch it when she wakes up horribly early! We do enjoy CSI but our world won't end if we miss it. There is the occasional film or documentary we toy with watching..but we usually don't bother.
On one hand I'm glad that we don't plan to watch more TV. We do other stuff -go to the gym, go swimming, go to salsa, go to archery, read, play games, socialise and of course, do stuff as a family (painting and baking being the current favourites!). But on the other hand we do supplement our meagre viewing with re-watching Life on Mars, Game On and Futurama (just me there though!), and occasionaly Buffy and Angel. Add in the occasional movie and suddenly our TV time seems greater than it is! What we are avoiding is entire evenings in front of the TV. This is a trap we've fallen into before and are keen to avoid, for Ellie's sake as much as ours.
Still, I wish there was more on that I want to watch... am I missing anything? Why can't I stop going through the TV guide every Saturday? I suspect it is almost a religious experience - I am searching for the answer in a book which can be interpreted countless ways (just see how TV Quick describe documentaries and tell me you're not tempted!).
I've given up on live telly, I resort to DVDs: The West Wing, Battlestar Galactica, Futurama and Firefly. If you'd like to borrow any, just ask :-)
I don't suppose you have Battlestar Galactica (series 2 of new ones), My Name is Earl, or Futurama after season 3....or any of The Simpsons? Enquiring minds want to know!
Hopefully, the TV programmes together will be better now that we've restarted watching Angel...(on DVD)
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