Where do teddies come from?
This morning Eleanor came into bed with Lisa and I. This is always pleasant as she is all warm and snuggly. She usually pretends to breast feed and either falls asleep or pulls the duvet over her head to hide from dragons (although its months since we last had one in the house!).
This morning she brought teddy with her. She rolled over and asked Lisa "Mummy, where did teddy come from?" After a moment of bleary-eyedness Lisa replied "When you were so tiny that you were still in Mummy's tummy, Aunty Sandra brought you teddy so that you could cuddle with him". A minutes silence ensued whilst her two year-old brain pondered this new information. She then rolled over (to snuggle me!) and said, with eyes closed "Thank you for taking me out of your tummy Mummy!" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
My question is...is that it? Have we sufficiently dealt with the whole 'where do babies come from?' issue?
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