Out of the Games Cupboard

A random assortment of reflections, musings and a running commentary on life.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Has anyone found my marbles?

I am having a strange week....as I posted previously I have had an ongoing lower backpain. My GP prescribed a cocktail of painkillers and anti-inflammatories to help me manage with this. On Sunday I had, what is thought to be, an allergic reaction to one of the painkilers; tramadol.

The reaction took the following form:
  • I felt over-emotional and weepy.
  • My mind felt 'vague' - I struggled to concentrate.
  • I developed a headache which was like solid pressure - no throbbing or pulsing. This was so extreme that I periodically could not see clearly. (My eyes really hurt!).
  • My memory became a little patchy.
  • I felt really tired and physically 'achey'.
  • I also felt nauseous.

Needless to say I stopped taking all the prescribed medication after taking it for just one day!

Lisa called the on-call GP who said that I would be fine by Monday morning....

I did indeed feel better come Monday morning. However, I was having to focus on concentrating (which is rather tiring). I had arranged a training day in Leeds and found this interesting but exhausting. On the way home I drove to the village where Lisa and I lived together three years ago by mistake (I had been talking about living there earlier in the day strangely). This seemed quite amusing at the time.

Tuesday morning I set off for work but ended up having to pull off the road, as I was finding it too hard to concentrate. It felt like a panic attack, without the panic; like a storm in my head from which I was trying to pull thoughts. I was also sweaty and with palpitations. When I had calmed down I came home and rang NHS Direct. They said it was probably a toxic reaction, rather than just the combination of drugs and I should feel better in a couple of days.

Wednesday - I awoke feeling much the same, and spent the day in bed pretty much - except for going to get my X-ray on my back... after queuing for 3 hours apparently they don't do X-rays of that part of the body!

Thursday morning, Lisa was fussing but I felt Ok and set off to work. An hour after I should have arrived at work, I realised that I did not know where I was or how I had got there. In a panic I rang Lisa, who advised I drove on slowly until I found a roadsign. It turned out I was in the Yorkshire Dales. Two hours in the opposite direction from where I work. I must stress that I have NO idea how I got there - or any recollection of the journey.

During the day, Lisa noticed that I had a few moments when I appeared 'lost in thought' however I have no idea what I may have been thinking, or how much time has passed.

The day ended with a thorough medical examination from the out of hours GP. This included head injury and psychiatric screening.

On Friday, I saw another GP, who noticed an apparent reduction in hearing in my right ear, and focusing difficulties to the right of my vision. I have been urgently referred to a neurologist (urgent meaning within 2 weeks!). I cannot drive, operate dangerous machinery, or be left alone in the bath, until more is known of what is happening.

Over the weekend. I have continued to have periods of being 'lost in thought', the pressure in my head has come and gone (repeatedly), I am still having to work at concentrating, and I appear to be forgetting occasional periods of recent time.

So in short, I have been medically assured that I have not lost my marbles, I have simply temporarily forgotten what colour and shape they are. I am feeling scared, and not in control of myself. I feel I cannot trust my thought processes or decision making. To those who know me well, it will be clear how unlike me this is. I am hoping that normal service will soon be resuming....


At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a lucky escape. If you drove for two hours without being aware enough to know where you were or where you were going, you must have a guardian angel. You look after yourself and take it easy.



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