My daughter the 'artist'!
I am constantly impressed by how art and craft activities hold Ellie's attention for a long period of time. She follows examples and instructions carefully and does look as if she's thinking how to position things (nothing overlaps in her scrapbook and everything is the right way up!). Here are some recent examples of Ellie's 'artwork'.
There is an orange 'sticky picture'. Ellie and I cut out the shapes from scrap paper (she now has her own sharp-bladed left-handed scissors which she enjoys using with adult supervision). She also has her own Pritt stick which she uses to independently stick everything together.
'Eleanor's Masterpiece' is a firework picture. I put glue on a sheet of paper and Ellie carefully sprinkled glitter on it to look like fireworks. Despite her concentration, glitter went everywhere!
The assortment of metal coasters was a pattern she made this morning by herself whilst I organised breakfast. Under the tissues is a bowl she carefully carried and put several raisins in. She then covered them with tissues as they were going to bed!
There is also a leaf picture which is all her own work...although I had to prompt her to stop adding more glue!
My favourite is the spider. She made this at nursery with minimal assistance after being shown what to do.
'Ellie's Treasure Chest' is actually something I made (well... its just a decorated cheap Ikea tub really!) as a Christmas present for her. Lisa and I are still thinking what to put in it though...
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