Education; it's all in the cards....
I suspect that my wife, Lisa, had a better education than me. She attended a girls' grammar school where as I attended a High School. Most of her cohort went on to university; many to Oxbridge. Few of my contemporaries went to university and Oxbridge was unheard of. But the most revealing contrast, the one that really shows that the class system is alive and well is..... the card games we learnt to play during our A-levels.
Lisa spent her time playing canasta and cribbage (training to be a middle-aged lady who lunches?). I mispent my formative youth playing games such as the charmingly named 'shithead' and a painful game I think we called 'knuckles' (that was the body part that was left raw and bleeding anyway!).
So, if you are checking out prospective schools for your little angels I recommend finding out what card games are popular in the common room!
Knuckles is the one where you spent the time hitting each other on the knuckles with the deck of cards?
We used to play that and poker for pennies in sixth from. My sixth form was quite a good school mind you.
I played Knuckles and I went to an all girls private fee-paying very expensive school.
My Nana, who was a farmer, taught me to play Canasta and Cribbage.
So it's not a class thing!
Patrick x
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