Out of the Games Cupboard

A random assortment of reflections, musings and a running commentary on life.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yes, today's the day I turn 34! I'm a little worried about the inexorable marching on of time but, on the whole, I like who I am, when I am and where I am, so things could be a lot worse.

I was thinking recently how quickly the last year has gone. I know that everyone always says that, particularly around birthdays but, for me, it really has gone by fast. I can't actually remember my last birthday as it occurred during the early stages of my neurological problems when I lost virtually all memories of each day. I can't remember much about Christmas, although I think my memory had improved slightly by then. Until around Easter I was forgetting about two thirds of each day; since then about half. So, I reckon, at best, I can remember between half and two thirds of the last year..... so it's not surprising that it feels as if it has flown past!

The good thing is that I'm sure that most of what I have forgotten is all that boring, mundane, day-to-day stuff, so my memories of the past year are actually rather pleasant. Lucky me!

Thought from the day comes from Mr Pratchett: 'Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.' How true.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007


Oops.... it's been nearly 5 months since my last post. Sorry everyone! I'm afraid there isn't a good reason for my bloggy absence; to start with we lost broadband for about 6 weeks (our modem was fried during an amazing thunderstorm and the Royal Mail conspired with Talk Talk to delay us getting a replacement), then I just didn't seem to have the time. I kept putting it off thinking I would find the time and, finally, I have! Five months later than anticipated but still....

So much has happened in the missing months - I don't know where to start. My recovery continues slowly. I think I am having fewer absences per day but I am still forgetting a lot of stuff day to day. I've just about given up reading new novels as it was getting increasingly frustrating having to double back to see what had happened previously. Instead I'm rereading Terry Pratchett novels with which I feel fairly familiar and therefore less traumatised if I forget an evening's worth of reading.

We sold my car as it was surplus to requirement as I still am unable to drive due to the absences. Kitty vanished but a nice couple took her in and looked aftrer her for 4 days before spotting the Lost posters we had put up. Ellie and I have a packed social calendar; she's taken up trampolining (quite talented apparently - for a 3 year old) and she goes to active games and parachute games now as well as the special gym (where she's awesome on the rings and beams!). We had a lovely Halloween party for Ellie and her little friends. I was particularly proud of the icing on my gingerbread skeletons! I enjoyed a lovely autumn day at the seaside with Mal a few weeks ago which helped me recover from an awful cold. We have spent time with friends of course, including playing boardgames! We also helped a friend celebrate turning 40 - a momentous occasion!

Now I've found my way back to the keyboard I will try to post more frequently I promise.

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